24 pages
Heavy Stock Comic Book
Written by and Illustrated by: Jim Mahfood
*Absolutely not for kids.
This is the "Carl, the Cat that Makes Peanut Butter Sandwiches" comic book by artist Jim Mahfood. His name is Carl. He's a cat. And he makes peanut butter sandwiches. For the mob. He also has hot, bi-sexual, nymphomaniac girlfriend who is always irritated that Carl is too busy making said peanut butter sandwiches to please her lady parts. Then there's this whole run-in with some very aggressive Eskimos, a few girl-girl scenes, lots of beautiful violence, and a cameo from one of corporate America's most tyrannical mascots.
Quality, thick paper stock. 24 pages of amazement. 10 x 6 11/16"
*Absolutely not for kids.