56 pages
Size: 12.4" x 9.4"
'Morgana #1: Heaven's Gate' hardcover novel by Luca Enoch & Mario Alberti. The town of Deneth Skaag is the last stronghold of the Sieth Clan as they desperately try and fend off their enemies, the Tromarks. As the battle between these pre-industrial civilizations rages, two new players from the stars enter the fray. The evil warrior, Voorth, takes up arms with the Tromarks, providing them with technology that allows them to overwhelm the simplistic Sieth. But all is not lost for the Sieth, as the beautiful warrior, Morgana, arrives in time to aid against Voorth's weapons with her own knowledge of technology. Why would these two warriors from advanced civilizations concern themselves with a tribal feud on a backwater planet? Could it have something to do with the object of immense power buried deep within the city where the Sieth are entrenched. It's all out war in this beautiful epic from Humanoids Publishing.