48 pages
Size: 7.75" x 4.25"
90 removable full color stickers; 100 images.
This is a book of famous street art in sticker form so you can actually put the art up in your own environment and have an authentic street art experience.
Think of it as a primer for nascent vandals and future graffiti writers. An adhesive antidote to the numbing banality of the corporate landscape, these stickers are designed to jumpstart your quest to unseat authority.
Who wants a book that just sits on the coffee table when they could have one that decorates the coffee table, and the refrigerator, notebooks, backpacks, walls, or the family dog?
The first iteration of Ron English stickers, "Stickable Art Offenses," exceeded all expectations, but was criticized for not being portable. With this new edition, we've solved that problem. Ron English's Vandalism Starter Kit is pocket-sized, remastered for today's aesthetic, and affordably priced for the beginning miscreant.